What is a wedge? Do I need a wedge?

What is a wedge?

A wedge acts as a fulcrum that rests between your body and your holster, and is usually secured with velcro. The wedge acts as a pivoting point, much like the base of a teeter totter. A wedge can be made out of a number of different materials such as kydex or foam.

Placement plays a key role in how a wedge works, but as a general rule, if we place the wedge on one side of the holster, it’s going to change the concealment effect on the opposite end of the holster. Understanding this idea will help you as you work through wedge placement.

Do I need a wedge?

Some body types may not need a wedge to achieve their ideal level of concealment, but others will find that it plays a crucial role, both in concealment and comfort.

Here are a few concealment problems that might be solved by a properly shaped and placed holster wedge: Slide tipping away from body causing rear sight/optic printing, grip printing even with the presence of pressure and holster wing, and/or hot spot discomfort created by the muzzle end of the holster.

If you identify with any of the concealment problems above, then you might benefit from playing around with a few different kinds of wedges.

If you’re interesting in pursuing wedge use, and want a to try a DIY wedge build, try viewing this tutorial.

Keep in mind, you can use a wedge on any IWB (inside-the-waistband) accessory to help with comfort and concealment. Magazine carriers, knife sheaths, or anything else which might tip over the belt, causing printing or discomfort, can be carried more comfortably with a wedge.

If you’re looking for a quicker, easier way, try our Modular Wedge Kit.

Avoid common wedge mistakes with the information in this video:

Keep in mind that a wedge may not be your only solution. We’d also encourage you to consider changing up your holster positioning within 10-2 (between your hip bones, on the front of your torso) to see what works best for you. For a more clear guide on this process you’ll want to visit our blog post about finding your concealment sweet spot!

Do you need extra holster length?*

*If you’re carrying a longer-muzzled gun or a revolver, adding extra holster length may not be necessary for you, but for short semiautomatic guns, it’s often helpful.

Guns with short muzzles can be top-heavy and difficult to conceal comfortably. To solve this, some holsters have extra length added to the muzzle end. Like the keel on a boat, the extra muzzle length helps balance the holster, making it more comfortable and easier to conceal. This is especially true if you have a bit of a belly, which tends to push the grip out more and make the muzzle dig in.

Note that while extra muzzle length reduces grip printing, it can increase muzzle printing, which can be a concern with lower carry positions and tight fitting pants such as leggings or yoga pants. 

Learn more about the Keel Principle here.